Will the adverse balance of current account result in monetary crisis? 经常项目逆差会导致货币危机吗?
The balance of payments records two different kinds of transactions: cross-border payments for goods and services ( ie, exports and imports), which are recorded in the "current account", and cross-border payments for assets. 国际收支记录了两种不同的经济交易:一是记录在经常账户上的商品及服务支付(即进出口),二是跨境资产的支付。
The basic balance is the sum of the current account balance and the net movement of long-term capital. It is intended to be an indicator of the long-term trends in a country's balance of payments. 基本平衡是指经常项目平衡与长期资本流动之和。这是一项用来表示一国收支平衡的长期趋势。
A Brief Analysis of Adverse Balance of American Frequent Items and the Sustainability of Economic Growth current account surplus 美国经常账户逆差与经济增长持续性浅析及对中国的启示国际收支经常项目顺差
Like China today, the UK then ran a large balance of payments current account surplus, using its excess domestic savings to invest across the globe. 与当今的中国一样,当时英国坐拥数额庞大的经常项目盈余,利用国内过剩的储蓄在全球各地投资。
The overall balance of payments will balance but the current account may or may not balance. 付款的总体余额是平衡的,但是目前的账目也许是平衡的也许是不平衡。
The balance of the proceeds from the alienation or disposal of fixed assets at the current price, after the net unamortized value or the residual value of the assets is deducted, shall be entered into the profit and loss account for the current year. 转让或变价处理固定资产的收入,减除未折旧的净额或残值后的差额,列为当年度的损益。
This means its basic balance of payments, which includes capital inflows, is much stronger even than its recently improved current account. 这意味着,中国包括资本流入在内的基本国际收支,比近来有所改善的经常账户还要稳健得多。
Statements of balance of international payments usually present three kinds of transactions: Current Account, Capital Account and Balancing Account. 通常国际收支平衡表有三项主要账目,即经常项目、资本项目和平衡项目。
Namely RMB becomes convertible in the balance of payments in current account and capital account. 即在人民币先后在经常项目、资本项目收支方面实行可兑换。
The article concludes the critical conditions to keep the balance of the Current Account and the Capital Account as well as the steady growth conditions to realize the reversal of the two Accounts. 得出了保持经常项目收支平衡和国外净资产平衡的临界条件,以及实现经常项目收支逆转和国外净资产逆转(顺差逆差,或逆差顺差)的经济稳定增长条件。
In the 1990s, some characters of China's current account structure of balance of payments are as follows: China's current account surplus was kept. 20世纪90年代以来,中国国际收支经常账户有以下特征:经常账户持续顺差;
Has foreign capital flowed back to China?-Reflection on the adverse balance of US current account 外资回来了吗?&由美国经常项目逆差扩大引起的思考
VEC model test results show the influence of short-term change of financial deficit on the balance of current account. 误差修正模型则反映了财政赤字的短期变化对经常项目余额变化的影响。
The exterior equilibrium of a country's economy was defined again since the early 1980s, that is, emphasizing the balance of current account. 20世纪80年代以来,一国经济的外部平衡被重新定义,即又回到了强调经常账户平衡的目标上来。
Since China is having high savings ratio and the domestic deposit is far larger than domestic absorption capacity, there exists large sum of savings surplus and continuous gigantic favorable balance of current account. 由于中国是一个有着高储蓄率优势的国家,国内储蓄远远大于国内吸收,因而存在巨额储蓄盈余并表现为持续且庞大的经常项目顺差。
The target of inner equilibrium can be measured by high economic growth rate and low rate of unemployment. The target of outer equilibrium is the balance of international payment, especially the current account balance. 其中,内部均衡的目标是高经济增长和低失业率,外部均衡的目标是国际收支总体平衡,尤其是经常项目的收支平衡。
Especially after we entered into WTO in 2001, China keep enjoying surplus balance of both current account and capital account, which led to a 40% annual growth rate of foreign exchange reserves. 尤其是2001年我国加入WTO之后,我国连续维持着高额的经常项目和资本项目双顺差,使我国的外汇储备以每年40%左右的速度大幅增长。
As the degree of RMB internationalization is very high, a sustainable structure of balance of payments is as follows: combining deficits in the trade account and surplus in the current account with deficits in the capital and financial account. 当人民币国际化发展到一定程度,需要大力推进人民币国际化时,一个可维持的国际收支结构应该是:贸易账户赤字、经常账户赢余和资本金融账户赤字相结合。
We design a scheduling strategy, called Golden Mean ( GM), to balance between the memory usage minimization and latency minimization by taking the situation of the future workload, the current memory consumption and QoS requirement of the query into account. 我们设计的GM调度策略综合考虑了将来的负载变化、当前的内存消耗状况以及用户对于主要性能指标的偏好与要求,在系统内存最小化和结果输出延迟方面取得平衡。
The paper summarizes and clearly proposed the transmission pathway of productivity to trade balance on theoretical level, and discusses our trade balance problem on base of the framework of current account inter-temporal equilibrium analysis. 本文从理论层面归纳和明确提出生产率对贸易收支的传导效应。在经常项目的跨期均衡分析框架基础上探讨我国贸易收支问题。